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Cards in Arabic

Cards in Arabic


The deck of cards what is your story is an Arabic translation of Nice to Read you.

The translation project was carried out under the auspices of the programs "Maan in the Academy" and "Israeli Hope" at the Kibbutzim College.

Its translation into Arabic is intended to encourage discussion about reading, writing and ourselves.

The cards serve as an inspiration for getting to know each other in interpersonal and group discourse

and suitable for an educational, social and therapeutic context.


The set are distributed at no cost.
To receive a set of cards in Arabic, please specify all the required details in the order:
Full name and organization name
Full address, including a 7-digit zip code Phone Number
Only the shipping cost must be paid: NIS 20
Payment can be made via Bit, Paybox, PayPal or bank transfer

Do you already have the set? Excellent. I would appreciate feedback!

Reference to the linguistic complex, the type of questions, the explanation card, etc. -

This way you will help us make the second edition better.


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